Rachel Wallwork, MD, MHS has been named a recipient of the 2022 ACR Distinguished Fellow Award. Dr. Wallwork is an outstanding Rheumatology fellow who has made substantial contributions in the […]
In 2015, Johns Hopkins scientists proved that scleroderma is often a casualty of war: it is the unfortunate consequence of the body’s battle to fight off cancer. We have since […]
We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Myma Albayda has assumed the role of fellowship program director for the Division of Rheumatology. Dr. Albayda completed her Rheumatology training at Johns […]
Despite a very difficult year for all of us, remarkable things are being accomplished at Johns Hopkins Rheumatology, and I hope you will see that this issue of LEAP is […]
The vast majority of the patients who take statins don’t ever have to worry about the side effect of muscle symptoms. Even among those who do experience muscle damage, with […]
A prevalent belief among rheumatologists has been that an accurate diagnosis of Sjögren’s is not essential because of the lack of disease-modifying therapies. But a correct diagnosis is very important […]