IRB: NCT#02386527
Purpose of Study: This research is being done to identify patients when they are first diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Some may do well with current standard of care treatment while some patients may do better with more intensive therapy. This study will provide data to better understand and predict who will become better (i.e., remission and no joint damage). This study will help us know more about patients with this form of arthritis. We want to learn more about the factors that predict how their disease might progress over time and what their response to treatment might be. We would also like to see how many patients have these types of symptoms and to describe the best treatment for them.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Age > 18
- Consistent Joint Symptoms < 12 months
- Currently 2 or more swollen joints or 1 swollen finger joint plus positive Rheumatoid Factor, positive anti-CCP, > 45 minutes morning stiffness, response to NSAIDs, and MTP squeeze test pain
Study Status:
Michelle K. Jones, B.S.
(410) 550-9674
Principal Investigator:

Clifton O. Bingham, III, MD
Professor of Medicine
Dr. Bingham’s current research is focused in the area of patient centered outcomes research, including patient reported outcome development, validation, and integration in clinical care. He serves as a member of the Executive Leadership Committee for the international Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT) methodology group.